Flower review

Games like Flower make me think that maybe reviewing games is a waste of time. This game is so critically acclaimed that anybody reading a negative review for it is probably just looking for somebody to argue with, since anybody that’s into this kind of thing already knows they want to buy this. Sure, it’s all atmosphere and nothing else, but it turns out a lot of people are really into that, and are very willing to spend money for a couple of hours of just doing nothing in a pretty world.

That’s okay. I understand that, but I don’t think it makes for a good video game. Sure, Flower looks and sounds fantastic, but the barebones gameplay of ‘touch the flowers’ handles really poorly and is no more engaging than a colouring book. It features no meaningful interaction with the game world and unless you just like nice graphics enough that you’re willing to pay for them with no game attached, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone but the most hardcore ‘floating around’ enthusiasts.

It’s also worth noting that if you’re playing this on Windows and don’t have something like the Steam Controller, you’ll miss out on the original PlayStation 3 release’s central gimmick – tilt controls.

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