Kero Blaster review

This review is for the Microsoft Windows version of Kero Blaster.


Sometimes I feel like it’s a waste of time to play so many shitty NES-style platformers, but usually I make myself feel better by reminding myself of the absolutely astronomical amount of time that’s been wasted over the past ten or so years by the various indie developers just trotting them out wholly uncritically and without meaningful alteration. I just don’t understand the appeal of regressing so far into an era of technology that’s objectively worse than what is available today without updating even a single thing to be consistent with today’s standards.

I have nothing to say about Kero Blaster that I haven’t said about every other game exactly like it, which is that slavering over the most popular games of the ‘80s while totally dismissing the spectacular advancement in design and technology is not a reliable way to make a good game. Sure, some people don’t mind playing early arcade-quality products in 2020, but if your entire audience consists of people with very low standards then maybe that’s saying something on its own.


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