Eversion review

This review is for the Microsoft Windows version of Eversion.

Eversion is one of those edgy horror titles that pretends to be a lazy ripoff of something cutesy and innocent (in this case Super Mario Bros.) but soon descends into dark, horrifying territory. Eversion does this at an incredible pace, starting from the very first level and rapidly transforming into a horror-themed game before you even have time to get settled into the colourful fun times it advertises. The real problem is that there’s no gameplay shift to accompany the new Halloween visuals.

The gimmick, initially, is the ability to ‘evert’ – a context-sensitive ability that changes the properties of certain platforms so that you can walk on or through them. You’ll figure this out when you try to jump through a platform and die, because most objects don’t actually change their appearance when everted. This isn’t the horrible issue that it sounds like though, because the game dumps this concept entirely a couple of levels in and replaces it with nothing at all.

Unless the spooky plot twist is a thing that you’re not sick of by now, you’re not going to enjoy this. Even if you’re not sick of that gimmick yet, the game is still a rudimentary platformer with barely functioning hitboxes and some of the worst, most irritating audio design in the world.


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