The Plan review

This review is for the Microsoft Windows version of The Plan.

In The Plan, I was a fly. The W, A, S, and D keys moved me around, and the only way to go was up, so I held W to go up. Eventually, I ran into a spider web. I suspected a spider might appear, but one didn’t, so I pressed W a few times to escape the spider web. A few times, wind blew me to the left or right of the screen, but I deftly used the A or D key to correct myself to the centre of the screen. Eventually, I was in space. Then I ran into a giant lightbulb and the screen went white. A text box appeared, so I typed ‘beef tornado’, and the game ended.

I felt like a changed man. I had learnt so much about the frailty of life, the sheer enormity of the world surrounding me, how brief a spark I am in the cosmic mass that is the universe. I will never be the same having played The Plan; I can never look at my loved ones, at the world around me, in the same way. I have transcended.

Just kidding, it was a bland and annoying waste of six minutes.

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